Teachers’ day celebration was conducted at SDM college of Naturopathy & Yogic Sciences, Ujire on 05-09-2019 at Rathnamma auditorium. Welcome address & Introduction about the program was given away by Dr. Prashanth Shetty, Principal, SDMCNYS, Ujire. The function was presided by chief guest Sri. Vittal, Deputy Resident Commissioner, Karnataka Bhavan, New Delhi & Dr.Prashanth Shetty, Principal, SDMCNYS, Ujire,  Dr. Prabhas Kumar, Dean, Professor & Head of the Department of Community Medicine. 

Dr. Prashanth Shetty, Principal, SDMCNYS, Ujire welcomed the gathering &  shared his memories about his teacher, Dr.Prabhas Kumar, Dean, Professor  & Head of the Department of Community Medicine.

Dr. Shivaprasad Shetty, Dean & Division of Yoga Therapeutics, SDMCNYS, Dr. Geetha B Shetty, Dean  & Division of Physical Therapeutics, SDMCNYS shared the words of appreciation about their teacher Dr. Prabhas Kumar, Dean, Professor  & Head of the Department of Community Medicine & was felicitated on behalf of Management, Principal, Staff & Students, addressed the gathering & shared his experience about the beautiful journey in SDMCNYS, ujire for the last 30 years. 

Sri. Vittal, Deputy Commissioner, Karnataka Bhavan, New Delhi was the chief guest of the function who addressed the gathering about the importance of Teachers Day.  The function was concluded with vote of thanks by Dr. Sujatha K J, Dean & Division of Natural Therapeutics, SDMCNYS, Ujire. 
